Geospatial software

RISK assessment

Specialized AI tools

QA Frameworks

Medical software

About us

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Pluripotent Technologies is a software and consulting powerhouse, producing speciality software and services for professionals.

Our software offerings span professional toolkits for climate-tech and geospatial analysis for financial institutions and corporates, as well as medical QA and productivity software for healthcare professionals.

Tap into Technology
Focus on what matters and let us deal with the rest


We leverage our team's domain knowledge to create speciality software for a professionals to help overcome barriers and productivity bottlenecks  in industries such as healthcare, fin-tech, and climate-tech.

Our offerings include TerraTab, which makes geospatial data accessible to business analysts via the familiar spreadsheet format, given that many of these professionals are now faced with a whole new class of data -- geospatial data-- for increasingly relevant climate risk assessments.

We also provide medical software, which will is currently in private beta and will be announced soon!

Learn more about TerraTab